- Interests
- Culture & History
- Art
An alluring art museum with a traditional Japanese garden, continually ranked as the best in Japan
- Closest station
Yasugi Station, JR San’in Line
- Access
Form Yasugi Station, take the free shuttle bus for around 20 minutes.
- Location
320 Furukawa-cho, Yasugi-shi, Shimane
- Opening hours
April to September / 9:00-17:30, October to March / 9:00-17:00
- Closed
Open year round
(The annex closes every few months for exhibit maintenance.)
- Price
Adults / 2,300 yen, University Students / 1,800 yen, High School Students / 1,000 yen, Elementary or Junior High School Students / 500 yen
Great Stuff to See and Do!
Envelop yourself in a world of beauty

(c) The Dry Landscape Garden
The Adachi Museum of Art is popular both domestically and overseas. Visitors can experience the beauty of the four seasons through the Japanese garden and enjoy the charm of Japanese artworks. The garden’s features change throughout the four seasons and harmonize with the surrounding mountains, creating natural works of art.
The garden covers 165,000 square meters and includes a traditional dry landscape garden, a white gravel and pine garden, and much more. It has been ranked as the number one Japanese garden for 17 consecutive years since 2003 by The Journal of Japanese Gardening, a US magazine that focuses on Japanese gardens.
The most extraordinary Yokoyama Taikan collection in Japan

Yokoyama Taikan “Mt. Fuji” (1932)

Yokoyama Taikan “Autumn Leaves” (1931)
The Adachi Museum of Art contains around 2,000 works of art such as modern Japanese paintings and ceramics. Among these works, there is an impressive collection of around 120 pieces by Yokoyama Taikan. These are the museum’s pride and joy, boasting one of the largest quantity and best quality in Japan. It could be called the Taikan Art Museum! The artworks on display are changed every season, impressing the visitors each time.